Robust Provider Analytics to Drive Change
Build networks with the best providers nationwide.
As the health system transitions to value, health plans are on the forefront of innovative payment models that incentivize physicians to provide appropriate, coordinated care.
These models rely on timely, transparent, and credible provider measurements. By leveraging and enriching claims utilization data housed in BHI’s National Data Repository, we have developed a nationally consistent methodology for assessing providers across the country and widely across specialties.
Standard National Provider Measurement Allows Plans to:
Quickly profile providers locally, regionally, and nationally across multiple measures.
Design member-facing solutions that make it easy for members to find high-quality, high-value care.
Reduce waste by addressing physicians’ influenceable behaviors.
Accelerate the transition to value-based care.
Power Transformation Through Provider Analytics

Productively partner with providers through value-based care contracts
Built on a credible backbone of transparent, validated data, our Provider Analytics solution enables Plans to collaborate with network providers for shared savings and reduction in the total cost of care.

Steer members to high quality, high value providers
Plans can use provider information to optimize referral management and care coordination activities.

Create high-performing networks
Plans can create networks of high-performing providers and/or validate their local provider performance ratings and tiering systems.

Explore innovative provider-focused interventions
We offer a rich set of data enhancements to support multi-level benchmarking, optimize referral patterns, identify post-acute care opportunities, and group providers at the practice, specialty, and multi-specialty levels.
Ready to Get Started?
Tell us your provider analytics needs and our expert analytic consultants will guide you down the right path. Acquire the metrics you need to design high-quality networks and improve performance.